Protecting Your Collection: Mold and Pests
Self-Paced Course
Don't let mold, bugs, and rodents destroy your collection! This course provides basic information about mold and pests and outlines the steps that need to be taken to stop mold growth and control pests in collections.
- Recognize when your collections are experiencing a mold outbreak or pest infestation.
- Develop and carry out an initial response to these occurrences.
- Recall how to carry out recovery efforts of damaged materials.
- Identify ways to prevent these incidents from happening in the first place.
Note: This course is designed for individual participation; each individual must enroll.
Your Instructor
Carmen Cowick provides training, support, and consulting services in the areas of preservation and collections care. She received a bachelor's degree in art history and a master's degree in library science with a certificate in archives and preservation of cultural materials from CUNY Queens College in New York City. Since 2019, she has been a lecturer at Emporia State University, teaching on a variety of topics including grant writing and collections care.
Carmen has written numerous scholarly articles on preservation-related topics and is the author of the books Digital Curation Projects Made Easy and Crash Course in Disaster Preparedness.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Try enrolling with a different browser or with a different device (laptop, tablet, smart phone, etc.)
2. Request that we send you an invoice. This will be emailed to you and you can pay through the link provided in the invoice. Send us an email at
1. Name(s) of the participant(s)
2. Your organization's name
3. The name of the course you wish to enroll in.